Despite the persitent difficulties of the period, many students from Italian Licei Artistici have taken part in the Prize, on the theme DISABILITY AND COVID: 39 works from eight schools have been submitted, coming from the four italian regions of Marche, Abruzzo, Puglia, Toscana.
As usual, no distinction is made between the prizes, which are all of the same value. Because of the exceptional circumstances, and thanks to the great generosity of a dear friend, this year the prizes have been of €300 each.
The prize giving event has taken place on line, on May 6th at 10, introduced by Pier Paolo Ceccarini, of Terminus, on the Zoom platform.
About fifty people have taken part, including students, teachers, headteachers, members and friends of the Associazione Premio Eleanor Worthington-ODV.
The prizes have been attributed to:
Irene AMELETI, Liceo Artistico Giovgnoli, Sansepolcro, with the work DISABILITY and CORONAVIRUS
Classe IV A, Liceo Artistico Nolfi Apolloni, Fano, with the work 4AA4
Massimo DE LORENZIS, Rachele MONTANARI, Valerio TRIVELLINI, Liceo Artistico Mannucci, Fabriano, with the work COVID AND/IS DISABILITY
Giulia DE RUVO, Liceo Artistico Montauti, Teramo, with the work AN EMPTY SHELL
Vanila IODICE, Liceo Artistico Bellisario, Pescara, with the work GLOBE- DISABILITY and CORONAVIRUS
Elia MAZZINI, Liceo Artistico Mengaroni, Pesaro, with the work ABANDONED
Rosanna PONZANO, Liceo Artistico Perugini, Foggia, with the work TOGETHER IT IS POSSIBLE
Maria Sofia THAI LOMBARDO, Liceo Artistico Scuola del Libro, Urbino, with the work UNBRIDGEABLE DISTANCES
The PRIZE FROM THE PUBLIC, on the basis of the votes cast in FB and Instagram, went to Massimo DE LORENZIS, Rachele MONTANARI, Valerio TRIVELLINI, Liceo Artistico Mannucci, Fabriano, with their work COVID AND/IS DISABILITY
The SPECIAL PRIZE for the best audio description has been attributed to Ilaria CIOTTI, Liceo Artistico Mengaroni, Pesaro, with the work DETACHMENT
To see the exhibition of the submitted works click here