The first edition of the Eleanor Worthington Prize, reserved to students enrolled in tertiary education, has the theme
Beyond disability
There are two prizes, of € 600 each, one for students from British insitutions, one for students from Italian institutions
The jury is composed of the following people:
Bruno Bartoccini, ANFFAS
Stefano Navarrini, illustrator
Mariella Roberti, educational psychologist in the Urbino local authority
Robert Teed, director of the New School House Gallery, York, UK
Martin Worthington, university of Cambridge, UK, and Eleanor's brother
The prize giving event will take place on Saturday March 28th, at 10:00, in Urbino, c/o the Istituto Superiore Industrie Artistiche (ISIA), via Santa Chiara.
During that event the names of the winners will be announced, and the prizes will be handed out.
The exhibition of the submitted works will take place from June 4th to June 12th in York, UK at the New School House Gallery, Peasholme Green.
Airports close to Urbino are Ancona and Bologna. Pesaro is reached by train from Ancona and Bologna, and from Pesaro regular buses take to Urbino.
The best airports for York are Leeds and Manchester, with frequent trains to York.