Open to Secondary Schools

In cooperation with the Liceo Artistico “Scuola del Libro”, Urbino

With the sponsorship of the Marche Region

of the Urbino local authority

and of various institutions











1. THE PRIZE competition begun in 2009, in memory of Eleanor Worthington, a disabled young woman who from 1998 to 2003 attended the Institute of Art (now  Liceo Artistico “Scuola del Libro”) in Urbino, where she was offered a major opportunity of self-expression.

Her family, friends and school have wanted to transform Eleanor’s individual story into a collective experience, for the purpose of raising awareness, especially among young people,  of problems and potentialities regarding disability. The aim is to lower barriers, which society must be willing to do, so that disabled people can live better. The Prize has been set up in cooperation with the Liceo Artistico “Scuola del Libro” di Urbino, and with the Urbino local authority.



2. THE THEME IS “DISABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY. FRIENDSHIP”. Disabilities in their various forms restrict and/or make it difficult for the individual to access anything, even friendship. Many people are available for smiles and friendly gestures towards a disabled person; but few are willing to enter into a closer relationship, sharing time and experiences, getting involved so as to overcome any difficulties of communication.


3. INTENTION to enter the competition has to be communicated by 31 December 2016 to:  info@premioeleanor.it The competition is open to students enrolled in the last two years of their school.


4. SUBMISSION. The works submitted can be of any art discipline taught in the schools, and must be original. If inspired by preexisting works, the link should be clearly mentioned in a written statement.


All works must be submitted in digital form by Friday 31 March 2017, by:


-  CD,  to be sent to: Liceo Artistico di Urbino, Premio Eleanor Worthington, Via Bramante 20, 61029 Urbino, Italy.



Files must be compressed, i.e.  .rar or .zip

Each piece of work must have a title, which may if desired be that of the theme of the Prize. Each piece of work if desired may be accompanied by a concept, brief description of the main idea of the work, not longer than 400 characters spaces included.

Each piece of work must be accompanied by the information required in the Appendix, in .doc, and presented as indicated. Each piece of work must contain at least one  picture of the work, in .JPG or in .TIFF (non .PDF), at high resolution for printing (300 DPI), for the purpose of possible use at the prize giving event.

Animations and  films must last no more than 3 minutes, and must be in quick time, compression H264.

Two versions are needed for each piece of work, films included, one with the indication of the school and the name/s of the author/s (for the exhibition, and for the web site), another anonymous for the judges. Please be careful with copy right with regard to any accompanying pieces of music.


Works must be submitted by the school in which competitors are enrolled. Works submitted by the individual participant will not be accepted.


This year it is optional whether candidates should deliver their original pieces of work. Candidates who want to submit them in original form as well, must send them so that they arrive in Urbino by Saturday 29 April 2017.

Original works must be mounted as follows:

- poster and  story board: 100x70 cm.

- other works on paper, preferably in A3 format, on black card  50x70 cm., or multiples of these dimensions.

Book covers and three-dimensional pieces of work must be submitted in a form ready to be directly shown in the Exhibition



5. EVALUATION. Evaluation of the works will be carried out by a panel of  judges,  on the basis of five  criteria:


Relevance to the theme

Communicative effectiveness


Specific competence

Overall impression.


All submitted works are evaluated anonymously.


A special prize is attributed to the piece of work which receives the highest approval rating from the viewers, both visitors to the Exhibition and on Facebook.

For this purpose, after the judges have expressed their evaluations, the submitted works will be posted in Facebook with the names of the authors, and the viewers will be invited to to choose the one they consider the best, by May first 2017.



6. PRIZES are of € 200 for each winning entry whether for group or individual entries.

The winners of the prize will be announced on the web site by  11 April  2017.



All works submitted will be shown  in the Exhibition curated by Nunzia Invernizzi, Artistic Director of the Associazione Premio Eleanor Worthington.

The Exhibition will take place in Urbino, on the first floor of Collegio Raffaello, piazza della Repubblica;

it will be open to the public from  Tuesday  2 to Friday 5 May 2017, from 9 a.m.until 1 p.m.; students of various schools in Urbino will be especially invited to visit it.


8. PRIZE GIVING EVENT. The prize giving will be part of an event on the theme of disability. Competitors will receive, if they request it, a statement of their participation.

The event, open to the public, will take place in Collegio Raffaello, Urbino, on Friday 5 May 2017, at 10:00 a.m., with representatives of the Urbino local authority, of the schools taking part in the Prize, and of Associations of disabled people, who will take part in a discussion on the theme of the Prize; the Exhibition of all submitted works is also part of the event.





All the works submitted in previous years are found on the web site, together with documentation on the prize giving events of previous years.


                                                     For the Associazione Premio Eleanor Worthington

                                                                            Giuliana Parodi



Urbino, 20 June  2016

For information please e-mail info@premioeleanor.it



APPENDIX Using the format indicated, please supply the information requested below. Use Arial Narrow 14 all in block capitals for the name of the author(s); Arial narrow 14 for the title of the piece of work, and the name of the school; Arial narrow 12 for  concept  and  technique. The various headings should be deleted and replaced with the personal  details requested.

Please follow these directions, as they are important for setting up the Exhibition.




Title of the Piece of Work



Concept (optional): a brief description of the main concept expressed by the piece of work, not exceeding 400 characters, spaces included. This limit is necessary for the web site presentation

