The theme of the 2009/10 second year of the Prize was
accompanied by a concept.
The book is bilingual, in Italian and English, with all text written in one language translated into the other. The two languages occupy the book’s two halves, so arranged that to switch from one to the other the book needs to be turned around. The prize had two joint winners, and their works were used as the basis for the book’s two covers. To make the transition from their work to the cover, the two winners spend a day at the graphic design studio Miulli Associati in Pesaro, which then typeset the book.
The two joint winners were Maddalena Fabris and Mirko Boinaga.
The participants in this year’s prize were the students in class V of the “Graphic Design for Publishing” section in the Istituto d’Arte, Urbino. The class teacher was Andrea Passanisi.